
BEST consists of biblical scholars and systematic theologians from the Theological Universities of Apeldoorn and Utrecht. Scholars working in biblical studies or systematic theology who are interested in membership are invited to contact the chair, prof. dr. Hans Burger. The members cooperate in the research programme, focused on the biannual conferences, and work on individual research projects. 


Prof. dr. J.M. Burger, Professor of Systematic Theology (Utrecht)


Dr. H. de Waard, Assistant Professor of Old Testament (Apeldoorn)

Senior researchers 

Prof. dr. K. van Bekkum, Professor of Old Testament (ETF Leuven / Utrecht)

Dr. A. Versluis, Associate professor of Old Testament (Apeldoorn)

Prof. dr. J.M. Burger, Professor of Systematic Theology (Utrecht)

Prof. dr. J. Dekker, Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Identity (Utrecht)

Dr. A.J. den Heijer, Assistant Professor of New Testament (Utrecht)

Dr. C.C. den Hertog, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology (Apeldoorn)

Dr. M.G.P. Klinker-De Klerck, Associate Professor of New Testament(Utrecht).

Prof. dr. G. Kwakkel, Professor of Old Testament (Utrecht). 

Dr. M.C. Mulder, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Judaica (Apeldoorn)

Dr. A. van den Os, Associate Professor of New Testament (Apeldoorn)

Dr. R.T. te Velde, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Historic Theology (Utrecht)

Dr. H. de Waard, Assistant Professor of Old Testament (Apeldoorn)

Associate researchers

Dr. H. ten Brinke, Associate Researcher Systematic Theology

Dr. J. Doedens, Associate Researcher Old Testament

Em. prof. dr. H.G.L. Peels, Associate Researcher Old Testament

Internal PhD Students

G.T. van Appeldoorn Msc, PhD student New Testament (Utrecht)

K. de Graaf Msc, PhD student Old Testament (Utrecht)